Knee OsteoArthritis Exercise Program
Whilst the most drastic treatment for knee OA is a knee joint replacement, this should always be the last resort. Many people find that with the right home care and exercise plan, their knee problems are manageable, and can even be improved.
Exercise is the best form of treatment for OA, which can both prevent your symptoms becoming worse, and even improve them! Improving motion at the joint, blood flow through the joint and strength of the muscles supporting the knee, can make a huge difference. It could even help you delay the need for surgery, or avoid it altogether.
For this reason, we have put together a set of exercises which can be used by people diagnosed with knee OA. The exercise program can be downloaded for free by submitting your details below.
This plan is suitable for anyone who has been diagnosed with mild to moderate OA. Please always speak to your Doctor before beginning an exercise program.
The exercises included should not cause pain, although some stiffness or discomfort is acceptable. If you are unsure in any way, please contact us for more information.
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